Make a donation to SSEC

For donations over $100 or bequests please fill in the form below. Please ensure that you that this is a donation to Society for the Study of Early Christianity (SSEC). If it is for a particular purpose; eg., the Patricia Geidans’ Prize prize, please indicate that as well- “Society for the Study of Early Christianity (SSEC)-the Patricia Geidans’ Prize”.

Also please indicate if you wish that your gift is to remain anonymous. This is located toward the bottom of the form.

Send to the secretary of SSEC at this email address or the email at the bottom of the form.
The form could be sent via the post to:
The Secretary of the Society for the Study of Early Christianity,
The Arts Precinct Macquarie University,
58 Waterloo Rd,
Macquarie Park, NSW 2113

Do you have a question about donating?

Contact our secretary via email